Friday, July 08, 2005

...another case of fear & loathing...

My sincere condolances go out to all those people who lost someone in the London bombing. In this time of dread it is crucial that people come together to show that we will not succumb to these peoples reign of fear. This attack killed and injured people of all creeds, races and religions with a total disregard of that which is most sacred of all: human life. We must therefore NOT start hating our neighbour just because they are different from us, because this is what the terrorists want us to do. By propagating fear and hate for the others they try to split our world and destroy our communities. Fear and hate are powerful weapons. Our only defence is togetherness. So hug your neighbour today! Show these people that we are not afraid of loving our fellow human beings no matter where they are from. Peace!


Blogger Linn Søvig said...

I hear you!!
I realise that what I feel is a great sadness. I feel no anger or fear.....just sadness. I grieve for beautiful and vibrant London...and my thoughts and prayers are with them.
Nothing can crush London. They're too strong to be broken. And they will NEVER succumb to fear.
This is so tragic and I've shed quite a few tears and will continue doing so....but this is only going to bring us more together...more unified and love each other more.

4:40 PM  
Blogger Linn Søvig said...

Yeah...I think you've given up on this blog haven't you?

5:05 AM  
Blogger Joachim Strand said...

nope...not yet, just been busybusybusy...and a bit lazy..but i'm back soon...

2:25 PM  
Blogger Linn Søvig said...

Urgh! I don't know why it does that! I had trouble with this a while back...but I thought it had somwthing to do with some of the pictures I posted and their margins were just coliding with the left collum. But I don't understand why it's happened here! Sorry mate!

Oh! By the way! I've started telling everyone that I'm going to Iran for a wedding next year!!!

4:10 PM  
Blogger Joachim Strand said... is still on as far as I know ;) we have started counting our dollars and cross checking what we have with what we must spend...this wedding business is not cheap...

anyway: the blog alignment problem seems to have sorted itself least it is properly aligned when I view it on my lovely mac

10:29 PM  

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